
Provisional Key Stage 2 Test Results 2023

2016 was the first year for the new key stage 2 tests in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling. The tests assess children against a national standard. Therefore, this year’s tests are only the second tests to reflect the new primary curriculum, which was introduced in 2014.

Attainment: Children’s results are reported using a scaled score. A scaled score of 100 represents the expected standard for each test. A child achieving a scaled score of 100 or more means they are working at or above the expected standard in the subject. Less than 100 means that they may need more support to reach the expected standard. The highest scaled score possible at KS2 is 120, and the lowest is 80. There is more information on scaled scores at:


Progress scores for reading, writing and maths will be centred around 0, with most schools within the range of -5 to +5.

* A score of 0 means pupils in this school on average do about as well at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.

* A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally and a negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.

% of pupils reaching national expectation% of pupils meeting greater depthAverage scaled scoreAverage progress from KS1 to KS2% of pupils reaching national expectations% of pupils meeting greater depthAverage scaled score

Key Stage 1 School and National Data 2023

KS1 results are based on teacher assessments of the pupils, which are informed by their learning over the year and also test results.

GoldsworthNational 2022
% of pupils reaching national expectation% of pupils meeting greater depth% of pupils reaching national expectations% of pupils reaching greater depth

Year 1 Phonics Results 2023

87% of pupils passed the phonics screening test in 2023.

GLD 2023

76% of pupils achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD)

For more information, see our performance on the DfE website.