

The Computing curriculum at Goldsworth is much more than working on computers. The vision is to improve learning outcomes through cross curricular application of technology, by embedding it into lesson planning and promoting technology as a tool for engaging the children and enriching their learning. Carefully designed and delivered lessons will prepare the students for success in a global environment of information and technology.

We aim to provide children with the skills and attributes to access and use information technology throughout their lives, showing awareness and understanding of the wider issues of Online Safety and the ramifications of their digital footprint.

Facilities and Equipment

Alongside the planned computing curriculum, children will have access to a range of digital equipment including Chromebooks. At Goldsworth, we use Purple Mash to deliver our computing curriculum. Programmable devices such as Beebots are included as part of Maths, Science and Geography related tasks and we are continually looking at ways to improve the experiences for our children. The use of interactive screens is standard throughout the school.

Online Safety

The school has a strict Online Safety policy to protect all those who access the internet whilst on the school site, and teaches children to remain safe within other environments outside the school when using technology.

National Curriculum

View the The National Curriculum Computing Programme of Study

Safer Internet Day

The whole school takes part in celebrating Safer Internet Day along with over 1000 other organisations across the UK. Children are asked questions about their internet use – YouTube was definitely the most popular website and there was an audible gasp from all the children when they were asked to imagine life without any internet at all!

Subject overview

Please refer to our Computing subject overview