Making Good Progress

Ongoing assessment

Throughout the school, children are constantly assessed to ensure that their needs are being met. Pupils are involved in this assessment through self and peer assessment. Two parents/teacher consultation evenings are held, one in each of the Autumn and Spring Terms, where children’s progress is discussed.

Formal assessments

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

As with all early years providers, we complete an EYFS profile for each child in the summer term. The main purpose is to provide an accurate assessment of individual children at the end of the EYFS. The profile describes each child’s attainment against 17 early learning goals (outlined in the Development Matters Documentation), together with a short narrative about their learning characteristics.

KS1 and KS2

Children in Years 2 and 6 take statutory Standard Assessment tasks in English and Maths. Year 1 children take the phonics screening check in the Summer Term, the results of which are reported to parents. In Year 4, the children also complete a Multiplication Times table Check, the results of which are reported to parents. Each year, every child’s progress is reported to parents in a written Record of Achievement at the end of the Summer Term.