Bright Futures Learning Trust
Bright Futures Learning Trust is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) consisting of four schools situated in Woking, Surrey; Goldsworth Primary School, St John’s Primary School and Nursery, Knaphill Lower School, Knaphill School. The Trust was formed in 2012 by Goldsworth Primary, in 2013 St John’s joined the MAT and in 2020 both Knaphill schools joined the MAT.
The MAT is led by a CEO, and schools work closely together to share good practice whilst keeping their own individual uniqueness. There are Trust Members, a Board of Trustees and a Trust Accountant who work with both schools and Headteachers, and there is a Local Governing Advisory Board for each individual school.
Currently the schools share a CEO, IT Manager, Facilities Manager and a Gymnastics Specialist but are looking forward to a future where more roles can be shared.
Please see the Bright Futures Learning Trust website: