Goldsworth Primary School Curriculum

Whilst we follow the national curriculum, it is unique because it is inspired by and reflects our vision to be ‘GOLD’.

Curriculum Intent

The Goldsworth curriculum is inspired by and reflects our vision to be ‘GOLD’ and puts the development of the whole child at its core.

It is bound together by both the school and British values, which lead to a positive, successful community of learners. With SMSC and emotional development at the centre of our curriculum, children grow together socially, emotionally and spiritually as individuals as well as one community.

The curriculum is broad in providing many and varied opportunities for all children, whatever their needs or interests. Music, sports, arts, humanities and science are carefully planned and taught, using a clear progression of knowledge and skills, which builds on previous learning and encourages deep thinking.

We create learners for life by ensuring that our curriculum is relevant and purposeful, preparing children for the next stage of their lives and beyond. The curriculum provides opportunities for children to become responsible, reflective, resilient learners; the key building blocks for success.

Our curriculum is highly aspirational and challenges all children to ‘Dare to Dream’. We want them to be challenged to imagine possibilities beyond their own experience, develop their creativity and believe that they can achieve. Above all, our curriculum is designed to help every single child to ‘Be the Best they Can Be’ in all areas of their lives.

The graphic shows how all these elements fit together to form the Goldsworth curriculum vision.

Goldsworth Curriculum Implementation:

The Goldsworth curriculum is designed to engage and excite children, promoting connectivity between subjects, skills and knowledge. Each over arching theme for a term or half term is centred around high quality literary texts to develop children’s mastery and enjoyment of the English language. Across all subjects, lessons are sequenced to ensure that previous learning is built on, developed and deepened. There is clear progression of skills and knowledge throughout the school and children are encouraged to articulate their learning and to understand how this is relevant to their lives.

The Goldsworth Maths curriculum is centred on the principles of mastery, with fluency, reasoning and problem solving at its heart. Units are blocked to ensure children have the opportunity to deepen their mathematical thinking, with a clear progression of skills building on previous learning throughout the school. The CPA (concrete-pictorial-abstract) approach is used to support children’s visualisation, enabling children to better access topics.

The curriculum is founded on high expectations, with quality first teaching at the centre. Every teacher is a teacher of SEND, providing appropriately for children with a range of needs. Modelling and scaffolding supports children to access the curriculum, and for some, a personalised approach is provided to ensure all children experience success whilst being challenged.

Whilst most of the Goldsworth curriculum follows the National Curriculum, it is enriched and enhanced by additional learning opportunities, such as:

  • Forest School
  • Direct teaching about social, emotional and mental health
  • Specialist sports teaching (swimming, games and gymnastics)
  • Tune Up music lessons
  • Mindful and relaxation strategies
  • Entry and Exit points
  • Trip and visits
  • Other life experiences

The curriculum is further enhanced by a cycle of enrichment weeks/ days, such as:

  • Anti-bullying Week
  • Identity week
  • Keeping Safe and Well Week/ Keeping Fit and Healthy Week
  • Book Week (yearly)
  • Subject weeks: e.g. Enterprise Week/Careers week, Science Week, Arts Week

There are a large range of extra-curricular activities available to children during their time at Goldsworth, such as:

  • Sports clubs and competitions
  • French and Spanish
  • Times Tables Rockstars
  • Choir
  • Chess
  • Book Club
  • Mindfulness
  • And many more…

The Goldsworth curriculum is constantly evolving through planned evaluation and is adapted appropriately to ensure it meets the needs and challenges the children in the cohort. However, our curriculum is always taught to ensure that learning is creative, fun and relevant.

Goldsworth Curriculum Impact:

The impact of our curriculum is measured in terms of the extent to which pupils have developed new knowledge, understanding and skills and that children can recall and use this fluently.

This means:

  • Our children feel valued, care for each other and their environment and know that they can make a positive impact within their local and wider communities
  • Our children are both independent and collaborative learners who are confident to ask questions
  • Pupils are well prepared to make transitions through school and beyond
  • Each child is supported to be ready for their transition to their preferred secondary school provider
  • Every lesson offers suitable challenge which the children embrace
  • Regardless of individual starting points pupils make good progress

This will be measured by:

  • Outcomes in KS1 and KS2 tests
  • In school attainment tracking
  • Attendance data
  • Behaviour Logs
  • Engagement in enrichment activities
  • Pupil voice – questionnaires, pupil parliament meetings, SLT meetings with children
  • Subject Leader monitoring – Lesson visits, scrutiny of books, assessment, pupil interviews and questionnaires
  • Governor monitoring

Yearly Overviews

Below are the yearly overviews covered by each year group. Click on the relevant yearly overview to find out more information about it.

Reception Yearly Overview
Year 1 Yearly Overview
Year 2 Yearly Overview
Year 3 Yearly Overview
Year 4 Yearly Overview
Year 5 Yearly Overview
Year 6 Yearly Overview