Reception Admissions

Welcome to Go
ldsworth Primary School

To confirm your child’s admission, please click on the links below to complete the necessary forms and to read our guides.

    1. Online Admission Form – this is required so that the school has all the contact details and medical information about your child.
    2. Nursery/Day Care Form – this is extremely important to help ensure your child has a smooth transition into school. If your child attends/attended nursery or day care, could you please fill in the nursery form. This is so that we can contact them to do a handover.
    3. Reception Guide – covers everything you need to know in the first year of school, and may answer any questions you have at this time.
    4. A-Z of Goldsworth – covers everything we do in school.
    5. Twelve15 Special Diet Request Form this is required so that the school knows all dietary requirements and allergies for both packed lunch and school dinners.

If you have any problems, please contact the School Office on 01483 771321 or email

Induction Meeting

You are invited to attend an induction meeting for parents on Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 6pm. This will be a chance to meet other new parents and help you prepare your child for school. This meeting is for parents only and will give you the opportunity to hear in detail how your child will be introduced to school, meet your child’s class teacher and for us to answer any questions or queries you may have.

We look forward to seeing you there.

School Admissions Team